The advantages of MediaLifi

Next step to the LiFi Last Mile project, which demonstrated the viability of LiFi technology for high quality video streaming in situations of mobility.


VLC system’s biggest advantage is the transmission of wireless internet communications at very high speeds. It eliminates the problems caused by the saturation of the radiofrequency spectrum, reduces the limitations of coverage, speed and bandwidth, and reduces the deployment costs and the environmental impact. On the other hand, the major drawback of LiFi is the inability of light to pass through walls. However, this feature could become one of the great advantages as two LiFi systems in different rooms do not interfere with each other.

MediaLiFi is the first working prototype that demonstrates that video streaming over LiFi is viable.

In addition to the MediaLiFi use case -accessing high-quality content in mobility scenarios-, the use of LiFi technology brings other future applications.

  • The degree of restricted communication caused by the inability of light to pass through opaque objects can provide higher security. LiFi is especially useful in electromagnetic-waves-free environments and high-security environments. Therefore, examples of potential applications are high risk enclosed areas such as Defence facilities (e.g. handling explosives), nuclear power plants, or hospitals (operating rooms, diagnostic radiology and radiotherapy, etc.) In summary, LiFi systems can be implemented as intercommunication systems in inaccessible and/or undesirable environments for the current WiFi technology without affecting the habits of professionals, workers, patients and users; avoiding flooding the working environment with radiofrequency signals.
  • Additionally, LiFi can be combined with WiFi or 4G-5G technology to increase connectivity in areas of poor phone or internet coverage, as well as for disaster management such as tunnels, galleries, mines, etc.
  • Finally, the combination of LiFi with other wireless communication technologies, complemented with IoT (Internet of Things), will boost the Smart Cities era by supporting sustainable and safe mobility. Drawing on the millions of street lamps -each of which could act as a free access point- and in conjunction with traffic lights and light panels on the roads, to communicate with vehicles, for intelligent traffic management and accident prevention. 2021 © All rights reserved